Confirmed rough running engine upon arrival; preliminary road test NOT performed (risk of damage to catalysts). Scanned manufacture and global sides of DME and all other systems, see printout. Viewed live data, found cylinder #2 currently misfiring; other cylinders currently NOT misfiring, despite trouble codes set. Swapped #2 ignition coil to #3, found cylinder #2 still misfiring/misfire did not follow coil swap indicating no fault with ignition coil. Removed #2 spark plug, found firing zone of spark plug completely soaked in raw fuel. Incorrect spark plug installed, only dealer plugs will work for this application. Injectors #1 and #2 are failing, other codes with "injection shutdown" description are very likely due to ignition misfires suspected to be from incorrect spark plugs installed. Recommend replacement #1 and #2 fuel injectors with OEM spark plug installations prior to any further diagnosis – – remainder of injectors are same age and may or may not be in similar condition, replacing all at once is recommended. Fuel injectors #1 and #2 R&R. Spark plugs R&R.